Others | 7th KAARS SYMPOSIUM, June 2010, Severance Hospital Eunmyung Hall

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Writer SRF Date21-02-04 15:52 Views3,252


7th KAARS SYMPOSIUM, June 2010, Severance Hospital Eunmyung Hall 

08:00-08:50 Session I. Basic Science in Rhinoplasty [Moderator: Kim Yong Wook(Yonsei Univ., Korea)]
- Rhinology for Aesthetic Rhinoplasty: Kim, Tae Hoon(Korea Univ. ENT, Korea)
- Advanced Rhinoplasty Anatomy: Jeong, Jae Yong(PLUS Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)

08:50-09:10 Session II. Preoperative Facial Analysis & Planning[Moderator: Joh, Seong Pil(Global Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)]
- Nasal Analysis & Planning: Dhong, Eun Sang(Korea Univ., Korea)
- Case Analysis & Planning: Lee, Jung Woo(Faceline Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)

09:10-09:50 Session III. Tip Tripod Structure Reinforcement
- Nasal Tip Supporting Mechanism: Cho, Tae Young(Mediphil Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)
- Intention of Releasing Nasal Hinge for Asian Rhinoplasty: Kim, Jae Hoon(April 31 Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)]

09:50-10:40 Invited Lecture [Moderator: Kim, Jae Hoon(April 31 Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)]
- Personal Philosophy of Septal Extension Graft for Asian Nose: Dr. Keizo Fukuta

10:40-11:30 Session IV. Alar Base & Midface [Moderator: Kwon, Sung Taek(Seoul National Univ., Korea)]
- Alar Basal Reduction and Nostrilplasty: Hwang, Gyu Suk(Homme&Femme Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)
- Paranasal , Midface Augmentation&Facial Harmony: Lee, Myung Ju(VIP Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)
- Consideration of Nasal Profile andRelated to Orthognathic Surgery :Diagnosis before
- Orthognathic Surgery and Change after Orthognathic Surgery: Jung, Ji Hyuk(Profile Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)

11:30-13:30 Special Guest Invited Lecture [Moderator: Park, Seong Geun(JOSEPH Plastic Surgery Center, Korea)]
Personal Philosophy for Rhinoplasty: Dr. H. Steve Byrd

13:30-14:20 Session V. Nasal Dorsum Augmentation [Moderator: Kim, Yong Ha (Yeongnam Univ., Korea)]
- Impants for Dorsal Augmentation- Silicone, Gore-tex, Silitex: Suh, Man Koon (JW Plastic Surgery Center, Korea)
Autogenous Diced Rib Cartilage Graft: Extended Endonasal Approach: Kim, Chan Woo(Daegu Catholic Univ., Korea)
Refining of Aesthetic Dorsal Line in Secondary Rhinoplasty in Oriental Patient: Kook, Won Suk(Dr. Kook’s Plastic Surgery Clinic, Korea)

14:20-15:50 Panel I. Cleft LipNose Deformity [Moderator: Kim, Seok Hwa(Seoul National Univ., Korea)]
- Dr. H. Steve Byrd
- Han, Ki Hwan(Keimyung Univ., Korea)
- Kim, Yong Bae(Suncheonhyang Univ., Korea)
- Uhm, Ki Il(Konkuk Univ., Korea)

15:50-16:40 Session VI. Secondary Rhinoplasty for Unsatisfaction&Deformity[Moderator: Kang Nak Heon(Chungnam National Univ., Korea)]
- Unsatisfied Tip Projection: Complex Etiology & Correction: Hwang, Se Hwee(SEIN Plastic Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Korea)
- Asymmetric Tip, Nostril&Columella: Etiology& Correction Techniques: Lee, Keun Cheol(Donga Univ., Korea)
- Retracted Columellar Correction: Etiology, Correction Technique: Ye, Choon Ho(JOSEPH PS Center, Korea)

16:40- 17:50 Panel II. Deviated Nose Correction [Moderator: Bae, Yong chan(Pusan National univ., Korea)]
- Septal Work Septorhinoplasty: Dhong, Eun Sang(Korea Univ., Korea)
- Midvault Deformity Correction: Kim, Hyun Soo(‘NoSE’ Plastic and Aesthetic Clinic, Korea)
- Correction of Deviated Nasal Bone: Paik, Moo Hyun(101 Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)
- Septal Replacement for Severe Deviated Nose Correction: Jung, Won Kyun(ChaLeeJeong Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Clinic, Korea)

